Astrology in medieval manuscripts

by Sophie Page | 06 October 2017
Whilst astrology touched all aspects of life during the Middle Ages it was also subject to religious and scientific criticism. Sophie Page presents a colour-illustrated account of medieval astrology based upon a wide range of medieval manuscripts.
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Whilst astrology touched all aspects of life during the Middle Ages it was also subject to religious and scientific criticism. Sophie Page presents a colour-illustrated account of medieval astrology based upon a wide range of medieval manuscripts.
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56 Reward Points

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56 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Product Description

Whilst astrology touched all aspects of life during the Middle Ages it was also subject to religious and scientific criticism. Sophie Page presents a colour-illustrated account of medieval astrology based upon a wide range of medieval manuscripts.

Product Details



PublisherBRITISH LIBRARY (06 October. 2017)

No. of Pages127


Language English

Dimensions 198 x 162 x 17

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