Easons WEEE Number


What products can I recycle for free?
WEEE take back is on a one-for-one basis only and the product must be of a similar type or have performed the same function as the new product purchased.For example if you purchase an eReader we will take back your old eReader free of charge and ensure it is recycled in a safe and responsible manner.However if you buy an eReader, we will not take back a fridge or toaster


Do I need to have made a purchase on Easons.com or an Eason Store to recycle?
No. You can recycle any of the above items at our stores even if you have not made a purchase with us.


How do I return my old product to be recycled?
You can return your old product at the time of sale in store of a new product. Alternatively, or if purchasing online, you can bring it to one of our Eason stores within 15 days of the date of sale accompanied with a valid proof of purchase. Store opening times can be viewed on our store locator


Can I return my old product anywhere else?
Civic amenity centres throughout the country, will allow you to dispose of all old electronic equipment free of charge. The WEEEIreland map gives details of Civic Amenity centres nationwide with WEEE collection facilities.


What is PRF?
Producer Recycling Fund (PRF) contributions have been introduced in Ireland under the 2002 EU Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The prices of some electrical items therefore include a contribution to a PRF to ensure that waste electrical and electronic equipment is collected and recycled in a responsible manner. PRF contributions have been setup and agreed according to specific product types and these costs are the same regardless of what brand or from where an item is purchased.


Do you take back used batteries?
Yes we do. In our stores you will find recycling bins for batteries. The batteries that we accept are AA, AAA, C or D and also the flat batteries that are found in watches and toys. Unfortunately we do not accept back any Industrial or car batteries.


How much will it cost?
There is no charge to return products to any of our stores or warehouses.


Why should I recycle through Easons.com?
We will ensure that your old product is disposed of correctly to reduce the potentially harmful effects caused on the environment and to conserve natural resources.


Further information can be found on weeeireland.ie
“Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries must never be placed in your waste disposal or recycling bins. WEEE is taken back free of charge at electrical retail outlets on a one-for-one like-for-like basis. There is a bin for small batteries in your local store. Local authority civic amenity facilities also take back WEEE and waste batteries free of charge. WEEE and waste battery recycling is free”. 

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