A meaning based approach to art therapy

by Elizabeth Hadara Hlavek | 22 September 2022
This book has two main goals: to contextualize the phenomena of Holocaust artwork for the field of art therapy, and use that cannon of artwork to support the inclusion of logotherapy into art therapy theory and practice Built on three sections of the author's doctoral work: theory, research, and practice Themes are presented in practice in the third section can be used to guide clients in art therapy practice within the existential philosophy of logotherapy, which emphasizes meaning making to facilitate healing and personal growth
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This book has two main goals: to contextualize the phenomena of Holocaust artwork for the field of art therapy, and use that cannon of artwork to support the inclusion of logotherapy into art therapy theory and practice Built on three sections of the author's doctoral work: theory, research, and practice Themes are presented in practice in the third section can be used to guide clients in art therapy practice within the existential philosophy of logotherapy, which emphasizes meaning making to facilitate healing and personal growth
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139 Reward Points

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139 Reward Points

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Product Description

This book has two main goals: to contextualize the phenomena of Holocaust artwork for the field of art therapy, and use that cannon of artwork to support the inclusion of logotherapy into art therapy theory and practice Built on three sections of the author's doctoral work: theory, research, and practice Themes are presented in practice in the third section can be used to guide clients in art therapy practice within the existential philosophy of logotherapy, which emphasizes meaning making to facilitate healing and personal growth

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherROUTLEDGE (22 September. 2022)

No. of Pages216


Language English

Dimensions 229 x 228 x 15

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