The twinkly twinkly fairies

by Sam Taplin | 01 October 2020
Board Book
Little children will love seeing the world of fairies sparkle into life with the little lights in this magical novelty book. Albert the unicorn doesn't like the dark, but the fairies light the way for him and help him feel better in a heartwarming story. The number of lights gradually increases as you turn the pages, until you find ten lights at the end.
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Little children will love seeing the world of fairies sparkle into life with the little lights in this magical novelty book. Albert the unicorn doesn't like the dark, but the fairies light the way for him and help him feel better in a heartwarming story. The number of lights gradually increases as you turn the pages, until you find ten lights at the end.
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45 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Currently out of stock
45 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Product Description

Little children will love seeing the world of fairies sparkle into life with the little lights in this magical novelty book. Albert the unicorn doesn't like the dark, but the fairies light the way for him and help him feel better in a heartwarming story. The number of lights gradually increases as you turn the pages, until you find ten lights at the end.

About the Author

Product Details


FormatBoard Book

PublisherUSBORNE PUBLISHING LTD. (01 October. 2020)

No. of Pages10


Language English

Dimensions 210.9 x 217.1 x 21.4

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