Can you keep a straight face?

by Géhin Élisa | 18 August 2016
Can you keep a straight face? Straight eyebrows? Straight lips? A straight... nose?? These pages are packed with interactive tabs that allow children to pull funny faces with impunity. A pop-up book with flaps to lift, tabs to pull and plenty of surprises!
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Can you keep a straight face? Straight eyebrows? Straight lips? A straight... nose?? These pages are packed with interactive tabs that allow children to pull funny faces with impunity. A pop-up book with flaps to lift, tabs to pull and plenty of surprises!
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39 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Currently out of stock
39 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Product Description

Can you keep a straight face? Straight eyebrows? Straight lips? A straight... nose?? These pages are packed with interactive tabs that allow children to pull funny faces with impunity. A pop-up book with flaps to lift, tabs to pull and plenty of surprises!

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherTHAMES AND HUDSON (18 August. 2016)

No. of Pages0


Language English

Dimensions 180 x 149 x 16

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