Going to the dentist

by Anne Civardi | 29 April 2021
First experiences are a regular occurence for small children and sharing books is a good way to prepare them for what to expect. A cheerful, reassuring story about a boy visiting the dentist for the first time. Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright, best known for his much-loved Poppy and Sam books.
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First experiences are a regular occurence for small children and sharing books is a good way to prepare them for what to expect. A cheerful, reassuring story about a boy visiting the dentist for the first time. Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright, best known for his much-loved Poppy and Sam books.
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Free delivery on all orders over €10
21 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Product Description

First experiences are a regular occurence for small children and sharing books is a good way to prepare them for what to expect. A cheerful, reassuring story about a boy visiting the dentist for the first time. Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright, best known for his much-loved Poppy and Sam books.

Product Details



PublisherUSBORNE PUBLISHING LTD. (29 April. 2021)

No. of Pages16


Language English

Dimensions 214.4 x 212.9 x 2.3

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