Eason Exclusive: F**K NO! by Sarah Knight

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Fuck No! grants you permission to say no, plus all the ammunition you’ll ever need to do so. It’s an encyclopedia of examples containing a cornucopia of comebacks and a plethora of polite replies. It has charts! And graphics!

But wait, there’s more…

F**k No! is not merely a compendium of sassy comebacks and salty F-bombs. I also want you to walk away from this book with a deeper appreciation for and understanding of how much better your life could be if you learn to say no with confidence—and without guilt, stigma, fear, and regret.

I want to revolutionize the way we approach invitations—as welcoming offers, not intimidating obligations. I want us to feel good about doing favors when we can, and not bad about when we can’t. I want to help you eliminate the things you shouldn’t be doing, so you can enjoy and succeed at those you should. I want families to listen and communicate better with one another—especially the ones and others who just don’t want to show up every time, for every occasion.

Along the way, we’ll discuss:

No is an option. And it isn’t just for RSVP cards. It’s for colleagues who ask you to cover for them for the third time as many weeks. It’s for second cousins seeking interest-free loans. It’s for bosses who want you to work too much and clients who want to pay too little. It’s for kids and dates and roommates and phone solicitors and third tequila shots.

No is a bargaining chip. Saying it can get you fewer commitments and less hassle—but it can also get you more, like a raise or a promotion, depending on how you wield it.

No is a tool for change. The issue of the day is consent, and it seems like everyone needs a lesson in how to give, withhold, and identify it. I’ll address the importance of setting and enforcing boundaries (intimate and otherwise) and celebrate your right and privilege to do so.

We’re all in this together, folks. We need to get comfortable saying no for our own health and the health of our relationships with family, friends, lovers, bosses, colleagues, clients, landlords, roommates, students, teachers, teammates, coaches, and everyone else who needs to hear it.

No is an acceptable answer. It’s time to start using it.