The quiet book

by Deborah Underwood | 20 September 2013
Categories: Ladybird
All quiet is not created equal. In this irresistibly charming picture book, many different quiet moments are captured, from the anticipation-heavy "Top of the roller coaster quiet" to the shocked-into-silence "First look at your new hairstyle quiet." The impossibly sweet bears, rabbits, fish, birds, and iguanas are all rendered in soft pencils and colored digitally, and, as in all of the best picture books, the illustrations propel the story far beyond the words. A sure-to-be-a-classic bedtime favorite.  Awards: 2011 ALA Notable Children's Book, 2010-2011, New York Times bestseller, 2011 CCBC Choices, 2011 NCTE Notable Children's Trade Book, 2010 New York Times Notable Book, 2010 Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, 2010 School Library Journal Best Book of the Year
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All quiet is not created equal. In this irresistibly charming picture book, many different quiet moments are captured, from the anticipation-heavy "Top of the roller coaster quiet" to the shocked-into-silence "First look at your new hairstyle quiet." The impossibly sweet bears, rabbits, fish, birds, and iguanas are all rendered in soft pencils and colored digitally, and, as in all of the best picture books, the illustrations propel the story far beyond the words. A sure-to-be-a-classic bedtime favorite.  Awards: 2011 ALA Notable Children's Book, 2010-2011, New York Times bestseller, 2011 CCBC Choices, 2011 NCTE Notable Children's Trade Book, 2010 New York Times Notable Book, 2010 Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, 2010 School Library Journal Best Book of the Year
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29 Reward Points

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29 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Categories: Ladybird

Product Description

All quiet is not created equal. In this irresistibly charming picture book, many different quiet moments are captured, from the anticipation-heavy "Top of the roller coaster quiet" to the shocked-into-silence "First look at your new hairstyle quiet." The impossibly sweet bears, rabbits, fish, birds, and iguanas are all rendered in soft pencils and colored digitally, and, as in all of the best picture books, the illustrations propel the story far beyond the words. A sure-to-be-a-classic bedtime favorite.  Awards: 2011 ALA Notable Children's Book, 2010-2011, New York Times bestseller, 2011 CCBC Choices, 2011 NCTE Notable Children's Trade Book, 2010 New York Times Notable Book, 2010 Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, 2010 School Library Journal Best Book of the Year

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherCLARION BOOKS (20 September. 2013)

No. of Pages32


Language English

Dimensions 190 x 171 x 28

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