The history of insults

by Nathan Joyce | 13 September 2022
History lessons have never been so hilarious thanks to this collection of insults through the ages - the targets of your barrage of vintage invective won't know what's hit them. Ever wanted to 'air the lungs (1)' like a cowboy or dreamed of channelling the wit of Shakespeare to deliver that killer put-down to an Elizabethan fustilarian (2)? Are you too much of a medieval scobberlotcher (3) to realise this ambition? Well, you're in luck, because The History of Insults has some of the finest put-downs of all time - starting with the Ancient Romans and Greeks and working through the centuries to modern times. This means you can dish out the best burns to bacon-fed bell swaggers (4) to your heart's content. As they used to say in 19th-century London, 'It's more than enough to make a stuffed bird laugh!' (1) Swear; (2) Scoundrel; (3) Lazy person; (4) Fat, loudmouth bullies
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History lessons have never been so hilarious thanks to this collection of insults through the ages - the targets of your barrage of vintage invective won't know what's hit them. Ever wanted to 'air the lungs (1)' like a cowboy or dreamed of channelling the wit of Shakespeare to deliver that killer put-down to an Elizabethan fustilarian (2)? Are you too much of a medieval scobberlotcher (3) to realise this ambition? Well, you're in luck, because The History of Insults has some of the finest put-downs of all time - starting with the Ancient Romans and Greeks and working through the centuries to modern times. This means you can dish out the best burns to bacon-fed bell swaggers (4) to your heart's content. As they used to say in 19th-century London, 'It's more than enough to make a stuffed bird laugh!' (1) Swear; (2) Scoundrel; (3) Lazy person; (4) Fat, loudmouth bullies
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In stock online
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43 Reward Points

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Product Description

History lessons have never been so hilarious thanks to this collection of insults through the ages - the targets of your barrage of vintage invective won't know what's hit them. Ever wanted to 'air the lungs (1)' like a cowboy or dreamed of channelling the wit of Shakespeare to deliver that killer put-down to an Elizabethan fustilarian (2)? Are you too much of a medieval scobberlotcher (3) to realise this ambition? Well, you're in luck, because The History of Insults has some of the finest put-downs of all time - starting with the Ancient Romans and Greeks and working through the centuries to modern times. This means you can dish out the best burns to bacon-fed bell swaggers (4) to your heart's content. As they used to say in 19th-century London, 'It's more than enough to make a stuffed bird laugh!' (1) Swear; (2) Scoundrel; (3) Lazy person; (4) Fat, loudmouth bullies

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherDOG 'N' BONE (13 September. 2022)

No. of Pages112


Language English

Dimensions 152 x 115 x 15

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