The Final Cut

by S D McGuire | 24 February 2020
BOOK ONE What do you do when your sole means of employment, your whole way of life, is ripped from you in an instant? You go back to what you knew from your youth. Grounding yourself in a simpler time that speaks of tradition and devotion to family. To feed his wife and children, this is what Chief Nuclear Engineer, Serge Volodin, was forced to do after the Chernobyl disaster. But sometimes, that which you had forgotten as a child, does more than come back to haunt you....
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BOOK ONE What do you do when your sole means of employment, your whole way of life, is ripped from you in an instant? You go back to what you knew from your youth. Grounding yourself in a simpler time that speaks of tradition and devotion to family. To feed his wife and children, this is what Chief Nuclear Engineer, Serge Volodin, was forced to do after the Chernobyl disaster. But sometimes, that which you had forgotten as a child, does more than come back to haunt you....
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In stock online
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21 Reward Points

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Product Description

BOOK ONE What do you do when your sole means of employment, your whole way of life, is ripped from you in an instant? You go back to what you knew from your youth. Grounding yourself in a simpler time that speaks of tradition and devotion to family. To feed his wife and children, this is what Chief Nuclear Engineer, Serge Volodin, was forced to do after the Chernobyl disaster. But sometimes, that which you had forgotten as a child, does more than come back to haunt you....

Product Details



PublisherGRUMPY OGRE PRESS (24 February. 2020)

No. of Pages84


Language English

Dimensions 178 x 127 x 4

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