Read 'em and weep

by Thick Richard | 26 October 2020
Categories: Individual poets
Filled with acerbic humour and cynical, lyrical, well-crafted verse, 'Read 'Em and Weep' is a poetic diatribe, issuing challenges to political governance, corporate greed, unwarranted entitlement and the North/South divide.
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Filled with acerbic humour and cynical, lyrical, well-crafted verse, 'Read 'Em and Weep' is a poetic diatribe, issuing challenges to political governance, corporate greed, unwarranted entitlement and the North/South divide.
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43 Reward Points

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43 Reward Points

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Categories: Individual poets

Product Description

Filled with acerbic humour and cynical, lyrical, well-crafted verse, 'Read 'Em and Weep' is a poetic diatribe, issuing challenges to political governance, corporate greed, unwarranted entitlement and the North/South divide.

Product Details



PublisherFLAPJACK PRESS (26 October. 2020)

No. of Pages93


Language English

Dimensions 134 x 197 x 15

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