Omnipotent government

by Ludwig Von Mises | 23 May 2011
Published in 1944, during World War II, Omnipotent Government was Mises's first book written and published after he arrived in the United States. In this volume Mises provides in economic terms an explanation of the international conflicts that caused both world wars. Although written more than half a century ago, Mises's main theme still stands: government interference in the economy leads to conflicts and wars. According to Mises, the last and best hope for peace is liberalism -- the philosophy of liberty, free markets, limited government, and democracy.
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Published in 1944, during World War II, Omnipotent Government was Mises's first book written and published after he arrived in the United States. In this volume Mises provides in economic terms an explanation of the international conflicts that caused both world wars. Although written more than half a century ago, Mises's main theme still stands: government interference in the economy leads to conflicts and wars. According to Mises, the last and best hope for peace is liberalism -- the philosophy of liberty, free markets, limited government, and democracy.
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Product Description

Published in 1944, during World War II, Omnipotent Government was Mises's first book written and published after he arrived in the United States. In this volume Mises provides in economic terms an explanation of the international conflicts that caused both world wars. Although written more than half a century ago, Mises's main theme still stands: government interference in the economy leads to conflicts and wars. According to Mises, the last and best hope for peace is liberalism -- the philosophy of liberty, free markets, limited government, and democracy.

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherLIBERTY FUND (23 May. 2011)

No. of Pages120


Language English

Dimensions 155 x 230 x 24

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