Modern insurgencies and counterinsurgencies

by Kaushik Roy | 25 August 2022
This volume looks at Insurgencies and COIN from a global and longue durée perspective giving the reader a broad perspective on a subject of much contemporary relevance. Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency are topics of enduring interest on university courses in history but also politics and international relations - and with the current state of the world as it stands, the subject's relevance is only being reinforced - the global perspective here speaks to the direction of travel of interest in the subject. Most volumes on the Modern subject start at the end of the 18th century, but this volume challenges this western perspective and gives a much longer time frame for the subject than competitor texts, as well as being much more truly global in focus.
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This volume looks at Insurgencies and COIN from a global and longue durée perspective giving the reader a broad perspective on a subject of much contemporary relevance. Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency are topics of enduring interest on university courses in history but also politics and international relations - and with the current state of the world as it stands, the subject's relevance is only being reinforced - the global perspective here speaks to the direction of travel of interest in the subject. Most volumes on the Modern subject start at the end of the 18th century, but this volume challenges this western perspective and gives a much longer time frame for the subject than competitor texts, as well as being much more truly global in focus.
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156 Reward Points

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156 Reward Points

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Product Description

This volume looks at Insurgencies and COIN from a global and longue durée perspective giving the reader a broad perspective on a subject of much contemporary relevance. Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency are topics of enduring interest on university courses in history but also politics and international relations - and with the current state of the world as it stands, the subject's relevance is only being reinforced - the global perspective here speaks to the direction of travel of interest in the subject. Most volumes on the Modern subject start at the end of the 18th century, but this volume challenges this western perspective and gives a much longer time frame for the subject than competitor texts, as well as being much more truly global in focus.

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherROUTLEDGE (25 August. 2022)

No. of Pages0


Language English

Dimensions 234 x 233 x 20

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