Full sight of her

by Patrick Wright | 30 November 2020
Categories: Individual poets
Charting a steady encroachment of shadows over a relationship, Wright engages with the most profound subjects - love and loss, madness, grief, illness - and attends to them with a finely-wrought poetic sensibility, producing a soundscape of nervous, almost fractious energy. A play of light and shade runs throughout, with early joys tinged with doubts, moving into omens and prophecies, until fears can no longer be hidden in full daylight. Whether set against a backdrop of cheap and ruinous North-West landscapes, or domestic interiors seen through the lens of expressionist horror, Wright shows us that love and anticipated grief are inseparable, just as the shadow is from the lamp.
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Charting a steady encroachment of shadows over a relationship, Wright engages with the most profound subjects - love and loss, madness, grief, illness - and attends to them with a finely-wrought poetic sensibility, producing a soundscape of nervous, almost fractious energy. A play of light and shade runs throughout, with early joys tinged with doubts, moving into omens and prophecies, until fears can no longer be hidden in full daylight. Whether set against a backdrop of cheap and ruinous North-West landscapes, or domestic interiors seen through the lens of expressionist horror, Wright shows us that love and anticipated grief are inseparable, just as the shadow is from the lamp.
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47 Reward Points

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Categories: Individual poets

Product Description

Charting a steady encroachment of shadows over a relationship, Wright engages with the most profound subjects - love and loss, madness, grief, illness - and attends to them with a finely-wrought poetic sensibility, producing a soundscape of nervous, almost fractious energy. A play of light and shade runs throughout, with early joys tinged with doubts, moving into omens and prophecies, until fears can no longer be hidden in full daylight. Whether set against a backdrop of cheap and ruinous North-West landscapes, or domestic interiors seen through the lens of expressionist horror, Wright shows us that love and anticipated grief are inseparable, just as the shadow is from the lamp.

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherEYEWEAR PUBLISHING (30 November. 2020)

No. of Pages0


Language English

Dimensions 226 x 154 x 8

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