COULD and COULDN'T Are Not Afraid of the Dark

by Brandy | 30 November 2022
COULD has no problems sleeping at night. COULDN'T is afraid of the dark and has problems falling asleep at night. COULD shares that there is nothing to be frightened about the dark and the two soon fall asleep. The Series Big Life Lessons for Little Kids CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN'T, DID, DIDN'T, WAS, WASN'T, WILL and WON'T - known collectively as the CAN DO s - are all friends and they each have something to teach your child. From sharing and perseverance to doing homework and being a good sport, the CAN DOs help you as a parent lay the foundations for a well-rounded, confident and outgoing child.
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COULD has no problems sleeping at night. COULDN'T is afraid of the dark and has problems falling asleep at night. COULD shares that there is nothing to be frightened about the dark and the two soon fall asleep. The Series Big Life Lessons for Little Kids CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN'T, DID, DIDN'T, WAS, WASN'T, WILL and WON'T - known collectively as the CAN DO s - are all friends and they each have something to teach your child. From sharing and perseverance to doing homework and being a good sport, the CAN DOs help you as a parent lay the foundations for a well-rounded, confident and outgoing child.
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21 Reward Points

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In stock online
Extended Range: Delivery In 2-3 Working Days
Free delivery on all orders over €10
21 Reward Points

Any purchases for more than €10 are eligible for free delivery anywhere in the UK or Ireland!

Product Description

COULD has no problems sleeping at night. COULDN'T is afraid of the dark and has problems falling asleep at night. COULD shares that there is nothing to be frightened about the dark and the two soon fall asleep. The Series Big Life Lessons for Little Kids CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN'T, DID, DIDN'T, WAS, WASN'T, WILL and WON'T - known collectively as the CAN DO s - are all friends and they each have something to teach your child. From sharing and perseverance to doing homework and being a good sport, the CAN DOs help you as a parent lay the foundations for a well-rounded, confident and outgoing child.

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherMARSHALL CAVENDISH CHILDREN (30 November. 2022)

No. of Pages40


Language English

Dimensions 210 x 210 x 5

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