Construction Zoo

by Jennifer Thorne | 01 April 2021
A too-quiet morning makes the zoo animals nervous, but they are entertained when strange new animals arrive--bulldozers, cement trucks, wrecking balls--and when all is quiet again, another. surprise awaits.
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A too-quiet morning makes the zoo animals nervous, but they are entertained when strange new animals arrive--bulldozers, cement trucks, wrecking balls--and when all is quiet again, another. surprise awaits.
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34 Reward Points

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Product Description

A too-quiet morning makes the zoo animals nervous, but they are entertained when strange new animals arrive--bulldozers, cement trucks, wrecking balls--and when all is quiet again, another. surprise awaits.

Product Details



PublisherALBERT WHITMAN & COMPANY (01 April. 2021)

No. of Pages0


Language English

Dimensions 177 x 177 x 16

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