Conquerors and churchmen in Norman Italy

by G. A. Loud | 08 July 1999
The impact of the Norman conquest of Sicily and Southern Italy in the 11th-12th centuries upon the society of that region forms the central theme of this volume. Norman relations with the Byzantine world are also an important topic. Several studies directly examine questions of continuity and change, both with regard to lay society and in a section devoted to the Church; others approach the subject more obliquely, through the analysis of contemporary historical writing, the documents and diplomatic of the Princes of Capua, and religious patronage. Throughout, they attempt to locate the conquerors within the context of the society they invaded, and within which they were only a minority.
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The impact of the Norman conquest of Sicily and Southern Italy in the 11th-12th centuries upon the society of that region forms the central theme of this volume. Norman relations with the Byzantine world are also an important topic. Several studies directly examine questions of continuity and change, both with regard to lay society and in a section devoted to the Church; others approach the subject more obliquely, through the analysis of contemporary historical writing, the documents and diplomatic of the Princes of Capua, and religious patronage. Throughout, they attempt to locate the conquerors within the context of the society they invaded, and within which they were only a minority.
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Product Description

The impact of the Norman conquest of Sicily and Southern Italy in the 11th-12th centuries upon the society of that region forms the central theme of this volume. Norman relations with the Byzantine world are also an important topic. Several studies directly examine questions of continuity and change, both with regard to lay society and in a section devoted to the Church; others approach the subject more obliquely, through the analysis of contemporary historical writing, the documents and diplomatic of the Princes of Capua, and religious patronage. Throughout, they attempt to locate the conquerors within the context of the society they invaded, and within which they were only a minority.

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Product Details



PublisherROUTLEDGE (08 July. 1999)

No. of Pages0


Language English

Dimensions 224 x 236 x 26

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