An infinite fountain of light

by George M. Marsden | 13 June 2024
"Drawing on deep expertise, George Marsden sets Jonathan Edwards within his historical context and sets forth his key points, unpacking the competing impulses that have shaped our times. By offering a contrasting view of God's beauty and love, Marsden shows how Edwards's insights can renew our own vision of creation, the divine, and ourselves"--.
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"Drawing on deep expertise, George Marsden sets Jonathan Edwards within his historical context and sets forth his key points, unpacking the competing impulses that have shaped our times. By offering a contrasting view of God's beauty and love, Marsden shows how Edwards's insights can renew our own vision of creation, the divine, and ourselves"--.
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€25.52 Was €31.90
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Product Description

"Drawing on deep expertise, George Marsden sets Jonathan Edwards within his historical context and sets forth his key points, unpacking the competing impulses that have shaped our times. By offering a contrasting view of God's beauty and love, Marsden shows how Edwards's insights can renew our own vision of creation, the divine, and ourselves"--.

Product Details



PublisherIVP ACADEMIC (13 June. 2024)

No. of Pages0


Language English

Dimensions 8 x 5 x 22

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