African epistemology

by Peter Aloysius Ikhane | 31 May 2023
- Provides an in-depth and broad-ranging exploration of theories of knowledge in Africa - Black Lives Matter has prompted efforts to decolonise the curricula and publish more on African perspectives. This book addresses that demand. - Brings together a wide range of expert perspectives from across Africa and beyond
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- Provides an in-depth and broad-ranging exploration of theories of knowledge in Africa - Black Lives Matter has prompted efforts to decolonise the curricula and publish more on African perspectives. This book addresses that demand. - Brings together a wide range of expert perspectives from across Africa and beyond
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152 Reward Points

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Product Description

- Provides an in-depth and broad-ranging exploration of theories of knowledge in Africa - Black Lives Matter has prompted efforts to decolonise the curricula and publish more on African perspectives. This book addresses that demand. - Brings together a wide range of expert perspectives from across Africa and beyond

About the Author

Product Details



PublisherROUTLEDGE (31 May. 2023)

No. of Pages0


Language English

Dimensions 234 x 156 x 15

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