A dome stays strong

by Crystal Sikkens | 25 September 2018
This series explains how different structures are designed by engineers to solve problems. Each title takes readers through the steps of the engineering design process to explain how an everyday structure is designed to overcome physical obstacles to meet peoples' needs. Real-world examples, vibrant photographs, and fact boxes reinforce learning, and readers design and create their own model structures.
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This series explains how different structures are designed by engineers to solve problems. Each title takes readers through the steps of the engineering design process to explain how an everyday structure is designed to overcome physical obstacles to meet peoples' needs. Real-world examples, vibrant photographs, and fact boxes reinforce learning, and readers design and create their own model structures.
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43 Reward Points

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Product Description

This series explains how different structures are designed by engineers to solve problems. Each title takes readers through the steps of the engineering design process to explain how an everyday structure is designed to overcome physical obstacles to meet peoples' needs. Real-world examples, vibrant photographs, and fact boxes reinforce learning, and readers design and create their own model structures.

Product Details



PublisherCRABTREE PUBLISHING COMPANY (25 September. 2018)

No. of Pages24


Language English

Dimensions 210 x 150 x 22

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